Friday, December 22, 2006

Video Game Proposal ...

I've been chewing on a video game proposal for some time, and last night I buckled down for a couple of hours and hammered out a doc containing the Concept Paper, Executive Summary, Sample Artwork, and Milestone Schedule (the latter mostly stubbed out).

In the process, I came up with a bunch of the items that will feed into the design document and the TDD, and the more I work through this project, the more stoked I am about the possibilities and amazing applicability of this whole effort. It is great to work on a project that makes me feel like, "Why in the world has no one thought of this before?"

It's also nerve-wracking, because I keep worrying that someone will come up with the same idea, and beat me to the bunch. But since I'm a "glass-half-full-and-how-do-I-fill-the-other-half" kind of guy, I'm encouraged that I'm able to do this, so if it falls through, I can apply the idea to some other efforts and IP.

Understand, I do biz dev as part of my software/service/program management for BigHugeCorp, and the target dollars are waaaay larger. But this is a new vertical for me, exciting and challenging, and I am encouraged at how quickly I was able to pull together a truthful High Concept, ROI numbers, and the like, which builds an even more solid business case for the whole effort.

I can't say much more about the project, because it's using licensed IP that needs permission from the license holders. There's also this typical chicken-n-egg thing where I'm trying to get things solidified in the pipeline for the comfort of IP holders, but need the IP commitment to get the pipeline folks comfortable, etc. Not a big deal, and not unique to the game industry (though I'm finding they like to think everything is unique to them ;-) .

Right now, I've got my technical lead and some industry folks generously reviewing the doc, and then it'll be off to the IP folks for consideration.

This is a project I particularly hope comes to fruition. Neat, rewarding, challenging stuff...

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