Friday, April 06, 2007

Chronicles of Riddick on Xbox 360?

I'm a big fan of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, the Xbox sleeper hit that came out of nowhere, blew people away, and connected the dots for me for Starbreeze Studios' awesomeness.

And I wondered why CoR hasn't been made forwards compatible on the Xbox 360.

But I got to thinking some time ago, what if it is coming to the 360?

I mean, Starbreeze is behind The Darkness for the Xbox 360, one of my more anticipated games for this year (I'm a comic book geek).

And what better way to learn the dev nuances for Starbreeze's game engine on the Xbox 360 then by porting CoR to it? And wouldn't a 360 version of CoR make a sweet pre-order bonus, pack-in, or special edition swag item for The Darkness?

But this is me talking with my Product Management hat on ...

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