Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"Mass Effect" box art

Microsoft Game Studios and BioWare Corp. have released the final box art for Mass Effect, the Xbox 360's next opus.

And it's not just that Mass Effect is a huge game. But going back to what CliffyB said in one of his posts:
"The demo looks sweet, really, it looks solid. The fellas are going
through the experience and this little bell goes off in the back of my head.
It's hard to say what it is at first... truth be told I didn't put two and two
together for months after that. And then it hits me...

"The feeling that hit me when I was checking out this game was the
sensation I first had when I saw the original Star Wars Trilogy..."

Look at the box art. It's got the same sensibilities as the poster from the first Star Wars film. Or even the Logan's Run poster (kinda). Or some of the Star Trek films.

We're talking hefty space opera, kids.

Can't wait ...

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