Sunday, January 28, 2007

Minor changes to video game blog

I'm making some minor changes to the presentation, publishing, and feeds, so if you see weirdness, let me know.

These are basically the first steps toward breaking out the gaming portion of my site as a more stand-alone entity, and to clean up some stuff that's outlived its usefulness.

So, "Sticky Blogs" are gone (for now), and I've updated repackaged news feeds (at right) to be just industry players (for now, pending their response) and

I've added my "talking Xbox 360" blog to "Blogs", just for fun.

To my "Sources" at the bottom of each blog posting, I've added,, and, since I depend on the three of them.

On the less-than-positive front, I've unfortunately removed due to their recent lack of professionalism (they've been consistently lagging other news sources recently, so there's no loss to you on the timeliness front); I've also pulled the redirect to their news items.

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