Wednesday, September 06, 2006

AGC Day 1: Re-Thinking Service Offerings

After a hurried lunch with independent NY audio producer Michael, it was off to "Re-Thinking Service Offerings":

"Conventional wisdom is that 24x7 customer service is necessary for the
success of any MMOG. It's also typically the single most costly part of the
service offering. What if we could figure out how to minimize or even eliminate
portions of traditional MMOG customer service? Be ready to hear some wild ideas or even contribute some of your own as we discuss this roundtable topic."

This was really a round table discussion led by Gordon Walton (Bioware, Austin), who's a freaking impressive person in the game scene.

There was some decent back and forth about a number of topics, like "software vs service", "brand power", "customer loyalty", etc.

I say "decent", because they (a) didn't have background with other industries' trends and MO (like telco, my BigHugeCorp, etc.), and (b) there weren't sufficient deep dives.

For example, no discussions about additional revenue opportunities vs cost reduction vs cost recovery.

And there was way to brief a discussion of the importance of brand, which (coupled with loyalty) translates into attraction and retention.

Still a good discusion, but I kept my mouth shut about the BigHugeCorp perspective -- but I took stuff away.

And Gordon Walton is impressive.

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