Monday, September 19, 2005

My Xbox just caught on fire! (Update 10)

Sordid History:Update 10:

My Xbox is on its way back.

Got another Email from an unmonitored Email box (in multiple languages, like last time), letting me know my "Xbox Video Game system has been shipped!" (they sound so excited).

No word on what the issue was, or whether they're keeping the money in advance I paid to have the thing fixed (which is to be refunded if they find it's their issue).

Not bad though, since the thing got into KY Thursday afternoon.

Here's the Email (with semi-sensitive stuff removed):

Your Xbox Video Game system has been shipped! You can expect to receive it in 2-5 days. Thank you for your patience and get ready to get back into the action! Your shipping information is provided below for your reference:
Note: This is not a monitored e-mail address.

Votre console de jeu vidéo Xbox a été envoyée. Vous la recevrez dans 2 à 5 jours. Merci de votre patience. Préparez-vous à repasser à l'action ! Vous trouverez ci-dessous les informations d'envoi :
Remarque : Cette adresse de courriel n'est pas analysée.

Ya se ha enviado su sistema de videojuegos Xbox. Lo recibirá en un plazo de 2 a 5 días. Gracias por su paciencia y ¡prepárese para volver a la acción! A continuación podrá encontrar los datos de envío para su referencia:
Nota: Esta dirección de correo no está supervisada.
Time for another chat session...

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